Southeast Emulsions is the only independent accredited laboratory in the state of Georgia and maintains active accreditations with AASHTO.
Our technical staff maintains certifications through:
- Asphalt Institute National Binder Technician
- Asphalt Institute National Emulsion Technician
- Certification Program and others required by local specifications

Customer Oriented
With our laboratory services, you can be confident your testing needs are being met by certified professionals. Our strong customer orientation drives us to provide accurate and timely test results addressing your specific needs on time and on schedule. We strive to have the fastest turnaround times as possible.
Our state-of-the-art laboratory gives us the ability to test and evaluate a vast assortment of:
- Raw Materials
- Modifiers
- Additives
- Additional Products & Materials
Our certified technicians, engineers and other professionals are trained in:
- Federal
- State
- FAA Testing Protocols
- Foreign Test Methods
All testing and evaluations are performed in accordance with ASTM, AASHTO and/or other agencies’ guidelines.